I hoped and I prayed that time would bring you back to me
Bring us back to the way that things used to be
To the way things were before her
and her and her and her and her
When all you wanted was me and only me
And I somehow managed to satisfy your needs
Enticing you to return day after day
Before, suddenly I was no longer enough
And your eyes began to roam
Soon, your heart followed
If only I could count the number of times I decided to turn a side-eye
Convince myself that you did love me
And that maybe if I was enough you would stay
That maybe if I did this and that you would finally love me again
That you would finally come home
The home that we spent so much time building
Yet took so little time to fall apart
But within time, I seemed to have lost myself
Lost myself in the yearning for you
Lost myself thinking that if I was good enough, you’d stay
That you’d want me, that you’d actually pick me for once
But truthfully, I had always been enough
And always will be
So I’m glad that time has finally allowed me to see
The truth that lies within me
This truth stems from no man, no relationship or sexual encounter
This here is all me
So I thank God for time
The time to finally see that you were never for me
Elikem’s Corner, a series of poems from our Editor-In-Chief, Elikem Thee Poet. These poems give insight to a piece of her world; her own lived experiences and the experiences of people around her.