NC State has a total student population of 36,042 with 22,966 white students compared to 8,448 minority students; 2,354 of those being Black and/or African American. For every Black student, there are nine white counterparts, and in the classroom, there’s a chance you might be the only Black student there; for better or for worse.
Being a person of color at a predominantly white institution (PWI) often means being a minority everywhere you go on campus. Whether it be in a club, in a sport, a giant lecture hall or an intimate classroom, being one of a few (if any at all) is not out of the ordinary. Education is a means for growth, accomplishment and the pursuit of knowledge and Black students have consistently faced challenges in the classroom.
Jordon Williamson, a first-year in exploratory studies, shared his thoughts about being Black in the classroom, stating, “For smaller, more involved classrooms, I feel that not being heard or accommodated for in those classes is a more intentional decision, especially if there are attempts to engage and feel like an active participant in discussion or when completing assignments.”
For some students, being Black in the classroom means sticking out like a sore thumb. It means being looked at for being the odd one out in a classroom of similar faces.
Christian Ross, a first-year majoring in exploratory studies, had similar thoughts, “When it comes to being a person of color for me in the classroom, I get looked at a certain way especially when it comes to being in what is seen as advanced classes… in other cases when it comes to subjects relating to people of color or minorities in general it seems as if your called on for everything or when something touchy gets said in class everyone turns to look at you.”
A modern definition of the expectations in a classroom includes subjects such as representation, fairness, equality and equity among students. However, sometimes that is not the case. Black students are disproportionately impacted in a variety of ways, often facing subtle microaggressions, lack of representation, stereotypes and higher expectations.
Other Black students, like myself, feel as if we sometimes have to give double the effort and energy to meet the “bare minimum” in classes that do not reflect who we are. Whether intentional or not, standards are higher for Black students because of the fact that we are “that one student.” If we fall behind we get tagged with stereotypes of the unruly troublemaker, underachievers who slack off – failing the classroom standard and consequently being seen as not belonging and having an imaginary tag over our heads.
The imaginary standard set in non-diverse classrooms often holds Black students down mentally and academically. When barred from the resources and treatment we deserve, our motivation and ability to excel can diminish. We try and try again harder each time only to be met with the same (if not greater) resistance; contributing to burnout, anxiety, stress, depression and a feeling of dissociation.
Being Black in the classroom also can prove socially challenging. As students, we try to find common ground with our peers to form relationships – in turn – creating friendships. However, being the minority in a classroom reduces the level of relatability to other students. As a Black student majoring in agriculture, a study that is predominantly white, there are cultural misunderstandings and disconnects that I face because of differences in race.
Connecting with people not like myself is enjoyable, but other times it can be exhausting, like when you try to connect with someone and you can tell they have never held a conversation longer than two minutes with someone who is Black and have never experienced Black culture beyond the stereotypes.
Though a handful of Black students feel the pressures of being in the minority in the classroom, there are also those who feel no pressure at all or excel regardless of the pressure. Even when struggles are presented towards Black students we have continued to excel and push through to be great. In the classroom we may be underrepresented and misunderstood at times, but there is always a chance to persevere.