I know that all good things must come to an end but I didn’t expect it to come so soon
I don’t know how I’ll ever fill this space
And I don’t know if it’ll ever get easier
Each day seems to be harder than the last
And just when I think I’ve accepted it, I remember
I remember and remember and remember
And I don’t know if I’ll ever forget what you looked like laying there in that casket
I think that was the first time I’d ever seen you without your glasses
With a full face of makeup,
Lashes, foundation, brows
Whole face beat to the gawds
Not a hair out of place
Your blue shirt was pressed, not a wrinkle insight
Laying there, peacefully surrounded by padding
All I remember is my breath leaving my lungs
And me constantly whispering for you to get up
That this was fake
That this was some sick joke
That you were going to sit up and laugh
Find your glasses and speak
Speak to all of the crying people
Silence the wailing cries
And I don’t know if I can ever forget
All the memories shared
All the lost future plans of linking
Partying until we forgot all of our worries
Nor do I even know if I want to forget
But all I do know is that I loved you
And I promise to love you until my time ends too.